Arjuna Society of Classical Arts was founded in February 2001 at Kazhakuttom, Trivandrum. Now it is one of the most outstanding and premier institutions for classical dance & music. This institution was registered in 2009 and got affiliation of Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy in 2014. It is now I8 years old and blessed with more than 700 students not only from Kerala but other states also. The ultimate aim of the institution is Training and performance of Indian Classical Arts and makes opportunity to perform our students. Many of our students participated in various events at State and National level competitions. We are proud that many have sccured top positions Most of the students who completed various courses. are performing in professional stages and highly appreciated. Some of the students studying Kathakali got scholarship from Central Government. Our students performed classical dances and fusion dance in abroad suchas Bahrain Singapore other than Delhu. Madras, Bangalore. Mysore and Coimbatore in India